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Change Agent

Change Agent- Person who acts as a catalyst for change. 


What is a Change Agent? It is defined as, someone who is a catalyst for change. Doesn't really say much? Ok, so let's look deeper! When you look in the dictionary for the word catalyst it reads that it's "a substance that causes a chemical reaction to happen more quickly" or "a person or event that quickly causes change".


So what or who is a change agent?












Now do you kind of see what a change agent could be? It's someone who is passionate about making a change! They will dedicate their life to making a change in something that they themselves have been deeply involved with and or moved by. The catalyst who in this case is Jennifer “Jaki” Johnson is a key component to the betterment of a cause that she feels passionate about. In Dr. King's case, helping the African American race to be free from discrimination, in Steve Jobs case, making it possible for people to enjoy technology in innovative ways and in Jennifer “Jaki” Johnson's case, helping millennials to push forward to success. That's right! Jaki helps millennials to strive to achieve a dream worth having despite the circumstances! She is here to teach teens and young adults as well as her peers that their dreams are important and that they are possible to achieve! A catalyst, a substance/person added to a chemical/cause to make it react/change more quickly. She is indeed a change agent!

As a millennial speaker and change agent one of the biggest ways to make an impact is to help others become successful through positioning and strategic resources. In this day and time, social media can make or break an individuals job opportunities, college offers and character credibility. As a former Social Media Reverse Mentor for the VP of Legal at the Weather Channel and Google contractor, Jaki learned several tactics to help others with developing a positive digital personality. With that in mind, Jaki has developed a workshop for millennials to help them manage their online presence authenicity, value and traction for opportunities. 

What is Your Social Media Personality?

In a two hour workshop, you will learn your role in digital citizenship, how to better position your social media profiles, map out your social media personality and understand the huge impact social media has on your future. This will increase social space awareness and will give you an opportunity to present yourself more strategically.


The workshop includes:


  • Value proposition of social media presence

  • Examples of negative and positive social media profiles

  • Due deligence of social media

  • Storytelling your image through social media strategies

  • Best online practices




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